How to Stand in Your Power and Stop Giving It Away 

When you always push yourself to do more and to be better, it is impossible to stand in your power, to adopt that way of life in which you treat yourself and others with kindness, acceptance and love. Standing in your power gives you a gentle strength that comes from within, regardless of what others

How to Stand in Your Power and Stop Giving It Away  Read More »

Healing cancer with energy. Cotton with memory. Crazy! Or the future?

Using an energy healing method that he developed, Bill Bengston, Ph.D., conducted randomized control trials with mice who had cancer. Not only were the mice completely cured, but when the blood of the cured mice was injected into other mice with the same form of cancer, those mice were also healed (without receiving any treatment

Healing cancer with energy. Cotton with memory. Crazy! Or the future? Read More »

Wanted: Women to be a rising force in business

In my new home, Belgium, only 33% of entrepreneurs are women. It’s the lowest level in Europe. But on March 8, international women’s day (yuck! I hope we will soon not need this ‘special’ day anymore) business organisations Start It @kbc and Straffe Madammen (Tough Ladies) have launched a campaign to change this. They’re ambitious,

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UCLA’s Neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni explains how mirror neurons teach us to be human

Dr. Iacoboni studies the brain cells that make us love sports, say yes to persuasive salespeople and empathize with others. They are what shape our cultures, what keep traditions alive. These same mirror neurons are also what makes therapy work -if applied in the right way. Source: Neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni on how mirror neurons teach

UCLA’s Neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni explains how mirror neurons teach us to be human Read More »

Single by default

I know quite a few people who are single, yet long to be in a relationship. Somehow, whenever they find someone to love, sooner rather than later, they break up. It makes them deeply unhappy, but they choose solitude over being with ‘the wrong one’, time and again. Dating sites must be thriving on them.

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