Survey 1

Please rate the statements below between 0-4, with 0 being absolutely not true, and 4 totally true.

I love to work, and often lose track of time.

I often put others first, and do not prioritise my own needs and desires.

I accumulate knowledge of a range of topics that interest me and find it hard to limit myself to one thing.

I often find social events that don’t have a purpose, like networking meetings or parties, draining.

I'm often suspicious of people's real intentions.

I think showing too much emotion is unprofessional.

I prefer to do things my way.

I put the bar high, both for myself and others.

I prefer to do important tasks myself, rather than delegating.

I tend to push myself hard.

I’d rather finish a task myself instead of having to ask and wait for others to do it.

I like to keep my new ideas to myself until they’re fully formed.

I can't easily sit still and feel I must be useful.

I’m usually careful with money but can spend a lot on an impulse buy for myself.

I tend to rely on myself.

I can spend a long time worrying about whether or not I’m making the right decision.

I know I have a lot to offer, but feel undervalued.

I tend to ignore physical discomfort.

I often think of how others might judge what I do.

I prefer to work in the shadows, rather than broadcast my brilliance.

I’m often critical of whom I see in the mirror.

I often feel discouraged that I'm spending a lot of energy and effort without getting ahead.

I feel I don't have a good overview of all my assets (financial, material, mental, etc.).

I feel threatened by others who do something similar to me and are good at it.

I often worry I don’t fit in.

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